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Specialized climate funds provide vital public resources, usually on concessional terms, for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The resources in these funds are limited, so it is essential that they be directed towards activities with the greatest potential impact. The Finance Center works to help ensure that the climate funds are designed to effectively distribute their financial resources. While our work encompasses many of the climate funds, such as the Adaptation Fund (AF), the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs), and the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), we focus much of our attention on the Green Climate Fund (GCF). As the largest dedicated climate fund, the GCF plays a particularly important role in the climate finance architecture.

The Finance Center works to ensure that the GCF channels funding effectively and efficiently to countries in need. This includes work on:

  • The GCF’s overall governance structure;
  • The GCF’s approach to supporting climate change resilience and adaptation; and
  • The GCF’s systems for accrediting and channeling funding through entities from developing countries.

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