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Development banks play a central role in helping to fund activities in developing countries that support sustainable, climate resilient, and low-carbon development. By analyzing their investment portfolios and identifying opportunities for change, we help enable these banks to shift their investments toward sustainable and climate compatible development. We cover the work of the World Bank Group, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the New Development Bank, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Our engagement with the MDBs consists of timely analysis, convening of key stakeholders, and direct engagement with the banks. We focus this work on:

  • Enhancing the quality and quantity of the development banks’ dedicated climate finance;
  • Ensuring alignment of the banks’ overall investment portfolios with global climate adaptation and mitigation goals; and
  • Promoting bank policies and practices that protect vulnerable people and ecosystems.

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