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Agriculture and plantations are crucial contributors to Indonesia’s economy, representing nearly 17% of its GDP in 2011. However, this sector is also the largest contributor of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, notably through forest clearing and peat land drainage for agricultural activities. In 2009, Indonesia pledged to significantly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it aims to double production of key commodities, such as palm oil, by 2020 and to increase its GDP by 7% annually. These goals can be achieved simultaneously through innovative approaches such as prioritizing forest-free lands for agricultural development.

Working in Indonesia since 2000, WRI has developed a practical and cost-effective method for identifying potentially suitable sites that would support Indonesia’s dual goals of profitability and sustainability. This method, which includes desktop and field analysis, can help unlock the potential of degraded land for sustainable commodity production in Indonesia.

Explore our Suitability Mapper, a free and easy to use interactive tool to identify suitable sites for agricultural expansion.

Apart from our mapping work, WRI is also working with the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL), Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) and the Association for Community and Ecology-Based Law Reform (HuMa) in Indonesia to discuss with stakeholders what forest governance could include, to monitor and report on governance improvements and challenges at the local and national level, and to work with government and civil society actors to support governance improvements.

Learn more about what WRI is doing to protect forests at a global level through the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) mechanism.

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