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AFR100 partners have set forth an ambition of over one billion dollars of grants and loan financing:

  • The World Bank has committed USD 1 billion in institutional investment in 14 African countries by 2030, as part of the Africa Climate Business Plan to support Africa’s climate resilient and low carbon development
  • Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is a founding partner of the AFR100, providing support for the structure of the initiative and for selected AFR100 countries, via GIZ for technical cooperation and KfW for financial cooperation
  • The Global Environment Facility (GEF) aligns its work with AFR100, as well as international efforts including the Bonn Challenge and the Global Partnership for FLR, supporting restoration initiatives which create multiple benefits and engaging local communities

Impact investors have also earmarked USD $481 million dollars in private sector funds for restoration under AFR100:

AFR100 will help to translate ambitious commitments into action and results on the ground with support from private sector investors, development banks and bilateral and multilateral funders. AFR100 will leverage a variety of financial instruments, including grants, equity investments, loans, risk management guarantees and funds for specific interventions like those highlighted in the report Scaling Up Regreening: Six Steps to Success.

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