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What types of restoration activities are part of the commitment?

The African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) will support two types of restoration activities:

  • Restore to mosaic landscape: Establish and manage trees on agricultural land, either through planting or natural regeneration. This practice is known as “agroforestry” when trees are interspersed with crops, and “silvopasture” when trees are interspersed with livestock.
  • Restore to forests: Planting or natural regeneration of trees on degraded or deforested land. Degraded land can be restored to natural forests for ecosystem services and a carbon sink. In some cases, degraded land can also be restored into productive forests for timber, fuelwood and other forest products.

How will the initiative be implemented?

AFR100 encourages national governments, regional institutions, local communities, public and private sector partners and international development programs to join the initiative to help restore productivity to deforested and degraded landscapes across Africa. Tools such as the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) by WRI and IUCN, and the Restoration Diagnostic will be used to help provide a framework for inclusive and effective restoration.

What type of monitoring will be in place to ensure the commitments are fulfilled?

Under the initiative a major monitoring effort in envisioned, capable of documenting the restoration process in some detail. Key elements in this effort include, remote sensing, on the ground sampling and modeling.

What will actually be accomplished by 2030? Do you mean that 100 million hectares will be restored by 2030?

Commitments to AFR100 are commitments to begin restoration activities on deforested and degraded lands by the year 2030. The process of restoration can take generations, and it is unlikely that the lands will be fully restored by 2030.

What is the relationship between AFR100 and the other restoration initiatives?

Commitments to AFR100 are in support of the Bonn Challenge, a global target to restore 150 million hectares of degraded land by the year 2020 through forest and landscape restoration as well as the New York Declaration on Forests that extends that challenge to 350 million hectares by 2030, and the African Resilient Landscapes Initiative (ARLI), an initiative to promote integrated landscape management with the goal of adapting to and mitigating climate change.

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