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Climate, Energy & Transport

The United Nations Framework on Climate Change, together with the UK government, which is serving as the COP26 Presidency, announced that it will be postponing the summit due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The exact date will be determined following consultation with parties.Following is a statement from Andrew Steer, President & CEO, World Resources Institute.

On the road from coal to renewable energy, China has a complex challenge to face: it must satisfy rising energy demand while reducing carbon emissions and sustainably managing water use without hobbling the power and agriculture sectors or the overall economy. Water stress adds to the challenge, because 66.5% of China's coal-fired power plants are in areas where water is scarce.

To prevent the most dangerous impacts of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions will have to reach net zero by 2050. That will require both deep cuts in emissions and the removal of remaining emissions directly from the atmosphere. Making that happen will take concerted U.S. innovation akin to a moonshot. In this case, it's a CarbonShot.


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