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STATEMENT: Congress Should Support America’s Clean Energy Workers in the Face of Huge Job Losses

Over 600,000 Clean Energy Jobs Have Been Lost; But the Latest House Stimulus Package Provides No Support for the Clean Energy Industry

The House introduced a new $3 trillion recovery package, but it contains no support for the clean energy industry and its workers. A new report from E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs), the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), E4TheFuture, and BW Research Partnership found that nearly 500,000 clean energy jobs were lost in April, tripling the unemployment claims filed in March and bringing the total loss to nearly 600,000 jobs in the clean energy sector.

Following is a statement from Dan Lashof, Director of World Resources Institute, United States:

“The House bill comes at a critical time, but it fails to protect a vital segment of workers who are leading the transition to clean energy. The COVID19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the clean energy sector, forcing 600,000 U.S. clean energy employees out of work and decimating what was one of the U.S. economy’s fastest-growing employment sectors. If government fails to act quickly and decisively, experts forecast that 850,000 clean energy workers will have filed for unemployment by June 30.”

“The House’s recently released $3 trillion bill includes essential support for impacted Americans across the country, but despite targeted support to certain industries, it offers no reprieve to the clean energy industry and the millions of people who support it.

“The bill includes cash assistance to biofuel producers, despite their debatable environmental benefits, while failing to provide support to jobs in the wind and solar industries, which have clear and compelling benefits for cleaner air and a safer climate.”


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