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The Going Rate

What it really costs to drive

U.S. overdependence on motor vehicles stems in large measure from the failure to make car and truck owners pay the full costs of driving. Highway users, for example, pay only a fraction of the actual costs of highway construction, repair, and a host of other motor-vehicle-related services.

World Resources 1992-93

Guide to Global Environment

Widely recognized as an authoritative assessment of the world's natural resource base, World Resources reports are definitive references on the global environment, containing the latest information on essential economic, population, and natural resource conditions and trends for 153 countr


Global Biodiversity Strategy

Guidelines for action to save, study and use Earth's biotic wealth sustainably and equitably

All life on Earth is part of one great, interdependent system. It interacts with, and depends on, the non-living components of the planet: atmosphere, oceans, freshwaters, rocks, and soils.

Drowning the National Heritage

Climate Change and U.S. Coastal Biodiversity

Say the words “extinction crisis,” and what most likely comes to mind first is a tropical forest in flames – an apt image when deforestation is the main force behind a species extinction rate unmatched in 65 million years.

World Resources 1990-91

Climate Change in Latin America Focus

  • World Environment Overview. Crisp summations of the worlds most critical environmental and natural resource problems.

Keeping Options Alive

The scientific basis for the conservation of biodiversity

As the 21st Century approaches, the world is being impoverished as its most fundamental capital stock--its species, habitats, and ecosystems--erodes. Not since the Cretaceous era ended some 65 million years ago have losses been so rapid and great.

World Resources 1988-89

An Assessment of the Resource Base that Supports the Global Economy

Widely recognized as a unique and authoritative assessment of the world's natural resouce base, the World Resources series has been praised as "a consumer's guide to the globe." Building on earlier editions, World Resources 1988-89 gives special attention to envi


Environmental pollution

A long term perspective

Today, pollution is occurring on a vast and unprecedented scale around the globe. Trends point in two ominous directions:

Money to burn? The high costs of energy subsidies

Focusing on the role of energy in the global economy, this frequently quoted report notes that unstable and unstainable energy prices have brough about many problems -- high inflation rates, world recession, and mountind debt burdens.


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