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World Resources 1996-97

The Urban Environment

World Resources 1996-97 is an authoritative primary reference volume on global environmental and natural resource conditions and trends for the United Nations, World Bank, and related international organizations.

Pesticides and the Immune System

The Public Health Risks

Although some pesticides have been restricted or banned because they pose risks of cancer, birth defects, or neurological damage, little attention has so far been given to what may be their greatest risk: impairment of human and animal immune systems.


Growing Green

Enhancing Environmental and Economic Performance in U.S. Agriculture

Although the notion of sustainable agriculture is attracting considerable interest, little information has been available for evaluating current levels of agricultral sustainability in the United States or the policy options that will best promote it.

World Resources 1994-95

People and the Environment

Widely recognized as a unique, authoritative asessment of the world's natural resource base, each World Resources report is a definitiave reference on the global environment with the latest information on essential economic, population, and natural resource conditions and trends

Breaking the Logjam

Obstacles to forest policy reform in Indonesia and the United States

Tropical forests are vanishing at alarming rates throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and their many contributions to huan welfare are being undermined. Despite increased efforts to stem deforestation, recent findings indicate that the problem is getting worse.

The right climate for carbon taxes

Creating economic incentives to protect the environment

Hundreds of billions of dollars are lost each year because the United States taxes economically productive resources such as capital and labor. Pollution taxes offer an alternative source of revenues that reduce these losses and reduce pollution.


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