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WRI develops strategies and tools to reduce nutrient discharges in the Mississippi River basin.

WRI conducts policy analysis and develops tools that identify and facilitate the most cost-effective reductions in nutrient discharges to improve eutrophication in rivers, lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico. WRI also encourages multi-state information exchange and federal, state, non-governmental, and stakeholder cooperation; and assists in the development of intrastate, regional, and basin-wide nutrient trading programs.

Specifically, WRI:

  • conducts outreach and education to the Mississippi River Basin point source, agricultural, and regulatory communities to disseminate findings on our MRB nutrient trading feasibility study including potential benefits and costs, technical and cultural issues, and program design considerations. In so doing, WRI encourages and assists in the development of state nutrient trading policy and programs.

  • facilitates the development of USDA’s Nutrient Tracking Tool (NTT) with Tarleton State University as field-level assessment tool and the Comprehensive Economic and Environmental Optimization Tool (CEEOT) for watershed-scale assessment for a variety of policy applications, including: evaluation of the environmental cost-effectiveness of federal and state cost-share programs, implementation of local water quality policies (e.g., Total Maximum Daily Loads or TMDLs); assessment of local water quality benefits of concentrated targeting actions, and provision of technical and economic services to farmers to accelerate adoption of the most cost-effective nutrient reducing strategies.

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