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The India Energy Access Maps is a web-based tool that provides insight into the un-served and under-served energy demand in India. The maps will be used as a means to convene regulators, planners, electric utilities, clean energy enterprises and investors to ideate on how to help make better decisions and on where to focus their respective efforts to achieve developmental benefits.

We are adopting a phased approach to develop the maps.  Version 1.0 looks at the household level electrification data to identify the need for electricity access solutions and markets at the household level. Version 2.0 will show the developmental linkages of electricity access. These maps will go beyond household electrification and will capture the information pertaining to productive, institutional and social loads.

The Version 1.0 of the maps, developed in partnership with New Ventures India uses household data at district level to show the potential markets for Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) in 10 Indian states. The tool draws on data from the 2011 National Census. We add layers based on four key parameters, to identify micro markets based on household level data on economic criteria, infrastructure availability, and demand potential. The four key parameters/filters used for predicting the potential market are: energy need, access to finance, economic buoyancy and grid penetration. Energy need is determined by the percentage of households lacking grid access. Access to finance is measured through banking penetration. 
Ownership of television and motorized vehicles are used as proxies of economic buoyancy. Using these attributes, these maps demonstrate districts that have an immediate requirement and demand for electricity access implementation efforts. A similar effort has been used at the village level for one district in one Indian state, to identify un-served and under-served villages, where household data has been collected through surveys and assessed.

View Version 1.0 charts and maps for un-served and underserved areas in India:

Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Assam)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Bihar)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Chhattisgarh)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Jharkhand)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Madhya Pradesh)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Maharashtra)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Orissa)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Rajasthan)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (Uttar Pradesh)
Identifying Markets Clean Energy Access (West Bengal) 

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