World Resource Institute

Adaptation Week

Adaptation Week
Advancing a Resilient Recovery


2020 changed everything.

The COVID-19 pandemic has tragically exposed how vulnerable we are. Along with our health and economy, the climate crisis is here now and affecting everyone. These crises are interconnected, and our solutions must be too.

We Need a Resilient Recovery



Held from November 30 – December 4, Adaptation Week is a virtual campaign that brings people together to highlight the urgency of climate adaptation and a resilient recovery. This campaign is in support of the Global Commission on Adaptation and serves as stepping stone to the Climate Adaptation Summit and COP26 in 2021.

While Adaptation Week 2020 is over, you can still join in on social media and check out resources and videos on a resilient recovery. Learn more below.

Join us on Social Media

Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #ResilientRecovery. Follow along on Twitter at @WRIadaptation.


Get our latest publications, commentaries, blogs, upcoming events, and more. Sign up for the monthly WRI Adaptation Spotlight and related updates.

Hear from Adaptation Leaders

Commissioners of the Global Commission on Adaptation and other leaders are weighing in on why we need a #ResilientRecovery. Watch the full collection of videos.

Watch more videos

Learn more about a Resilient Recovery

What does a resilient recovery look like? What are solutions that can help societies address the pandemic and its economic fallout, the climate crisis, and inequity?

To learn more, read our article on 5 Keys to a Climate-resilient Recovery from COVID-19. Then check out the Global Commission on Adaptation’s statement: Call to Action for a Climate-Resilient Recovery from COVID-19.

Go deeper with these additional resources:

5 Keys to a Climate-resilient Recovery After COVID-19

East African Climate Groups Help Fight the COVID-19 Crisis

Building Climate-Resilient and Equitable Cities During COVID-19

Why Disaster Preparedness Cannot Wait

Rural Women Must be at the Heart of COVID-19 Recovery

5 Pillars for a Green and Resilient Recovery

Nature is An Economic Winner for COVID-19 Recovery

Navigating Converging Shocks from a Pandemic and a Cyclone: Lessons from the Pacific

Designing the COVID-19 Recovery for a Safer and More Resilient World

Key Investments Can Build Resilience to Pandemics and Climate Change

NDC Enhancement and COVID-19 Recovery: Building Blocks for a Sustainable Future

South Asia Confronts a Double Disaster: Cyclone and COVID-19

It's Time for a Resilient Recovery

Adaptation Week Virtual Events

Did you miss any of the Adaptation Week virtual events? Watch the event recordings for select events below.

Adaptation Week is led by World Resources Institute, in support of the Global Commission on Adaptation.