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WRI’s Energy for Development Initiative advances demand-driven solutions for affordable, reliable, clean energy to power sustainable development around the world. Our partner organizations delivering health, educational and agricultural services across underserved and unserved regions include:

  • Population Services Kenya, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving health outcomes by promoting functional, sustainable health markets and increasing access to high quality, affordable care to low-income communities across Kenya. Members of Tunza, a social franchise network of over 400 privately owned health clinics run by Population Services Kenya, struggle with high electricity bills and frequent outages, which compromise the delivery of their health services. Many Tunza clinics must instead rely on expensive, dirty diesel generators that pollute local communities' air and strain the network’s limited financial resources. With technical assistance from WRI’s Energy for Development Initiative, Population Services Kenya is now installing solar rooftop panels across Tunza clinics to lower costs and provide uninterrupted lifesaving care.
  • Pan-IIT Alumni Reach for India Foundation (PARFI), a not-for-profit social enterprise committed to enhancing incomes of underprivileged youth across India through vocational and technical skills training programs. PARFI has trained more than 12,000 young people and created job opportunities for them in construction, manufacturing, apparel, telecom, nursing and catering around the world. Yet insufficient, unreliable electricity hinders the enterprise’s operations, making it difficult for PARFI to expand its services. To maintain power, PARFI has to rely on expensive, polluting diesel generators that only partially meet electricity needs during power outages and voltage fluctuations. Partnering with WRI, PARFI is now implementing clean energy solutions in its training centers to reduce operational costs and improve service delivery outcomes over the long term. With better infrastructure, PARFI aims to train and provide job placements to more than 58,000 youth in one Indian state alone, positively impacting the lives of over 200,000 community members over the coming years.
  • World Vision, one of the world’s leading child-focused humanitarian organizations. With nearly 65 years of experience in India, World Vision India works in 140 districts, impacting 2.6 million children and their families in more than 6,200 communities spread across the country (24 states and two Union Territories). In Assam, a northeastern state of India, in which there continue to be challenges around access to reliable, affordable electricity, World Vision India is implementing a technical program to improve maternal and child health, nutritional practices as well as access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. But insufficient electricity supply impedes the delivery of key services in community institutions like hospitals, schools and childcare centers, also known as anganwadis. To improve electricity access in these facilities across Assam, World Vision India is working with WRI to assess energy needs at the institutional level, identify context-specific solutions and bring together the right set of technology and finance partners to support implementation.  
  • Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA), a not-for-profit network of 20 hospitals delivering critical healthcare services to over 900,000 people in northern, northeastern and central India. These facilities cater to communities that live in remote, rural and inaccessible parts of the country. Inadequate electricity infrastructure remains one of the many challenges of working in these areas. Without reliable power, hospitals struggle to provide on-going life support to critical patients, run intensive care unit facilities, keep lights and equipment on during operations, store medication, administer basic diagnostic tests or maintain a sterile environment. Instead, staff must rely on diesel generators – a significant expense for under-resourced facilities that serve patients who often cannot afford care. Partnering with WRI, EHA is piloting renewable energy solutions in four hospitals across two states, Assam and Jharkhand, that will reduce operating costs, improve quality of care and allow medical staff to provide uninterrupted health services to their patients.
  • The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD), the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales, which works with partners globally to help the poorest and most marginalized people, and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), a policy and action research organization that promotes sustainable development to improve livelihoods and protect the environments that support them. Since 2013, CAFOD and IIED have been developing the Energy Delivery Model planning approach. This participatory planning process aims to design energy services that meet communities’ priority development needs, maximize outcomes across sectors and are financially, socially and environmentally sustainable. In Kenya, the 2019 Energy Act requires subnational authorities (counties) to develop and implement energy plans, creating an exciting opportunity to advance demand-driven, inclusive approaches. CAFOD and IIED are partnering with the County Government of Kitui and CARITAS Kitui to develop a County Energy Plan (CEP) with solutions tailored to meet county development needs integrated across multiple sectors. WRI is using its Energy Access Explorer tool to support the CEP development by helping visualize the energy supply and demand data that underpin successful solutions. Moving forward, CAFOD, IIED and WRI hope to replicate this inclusive planning process in other underserved counties so that energy services meet their development needs.
  • Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organization (TaTEDO), a nonprofit organization with over 25 years of experience implementing programs that increase access to sustainable, modern, affordable energy services and accelerate development across Tanzania, particularly for the country’s most vulnerable populations. TaTEDO works with a wide range of stakeholders – from electricity planners and entrepreneurs to investors and underserved communities – to advance inclusive, demand-driven sustainable energy strategies in rural areas, develop and improve delivery of low-cost technologies to underserved communities, and link clean energy entrepreneurs to finance. The organization also trains renewable energy technicians, helps facilitate installation of clean electricity systems, as well as supports local, national and international policymaking processes to create an enabling environment for sustainable energy. In collaboration with WRI, TaTEDO is building officials’ capacity in Chamwino District to create a demand-driven, district-level energy plan and to more effectively integrate renewable energy into local development strategies by using data and analytical tools that visualize the region’s energy supply and demand challenges. At the national level, TaTEDO and WRI are supporting more effective, equitable off-grid energy planning and decision-making within the Rural Energy Agency to improve access to sustainable, affordable, modern energy services.
  • Dann Church Aid (DCA), a faith-based, yet non-missionary organization that works for poor, vulnerable and socially excluded communities across sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. In Uganda, DCA focuses on three key issues: 1) food security, livelihoods, energy and environment 2) humanitarian interventions and 3) public accountability as well as civil and political rights, with gender and youth as key considerations across all programming. Under its livelihood program, DCA Uganda works with an extensive network of smallholder farmers throughout the country, implementing projects that improve their access to agricultural markets in Uganda and around the world. Delivering affordable, reliable electricity services along these crop supply chains provides significant opportunities to boost farmers’ profits, from increasing productivity through irrigation pumps to reducing post-harvest losses with cold storage facilities. Working with WRI, DCA Uganda has begun to assess the energy needs of a project focused on exporting high-value sweet potatoes to the Danish market and will soon begin implementing strategies to electrify the supply chain based on the findings from the assessment.

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