World Resource Institute

Utility Green Tariffs

A green tariff is a price structure, or an electricity rate, offered by a local utility and approved by the state's Public Utility Commission that allows eligible customers to source up to 100 percent of their electricity from renewable resources. Through a green tariff, customers are able to purchase both the energy from a renewable energy project, at a large-scale, and the associated Renewable Energy Certificates.

Learn more about current green tariff progress in this presentation: Utility Green Tariff Update (May 2020).

U.S. Green Tariff Map: Tracking Renewable Energy Purchasing Options

WRI’s work on green tariffs became an initiative of the Renewable Energy Buyers’ Alliance (REBA) in March 2019. Learn more about REBA here.

Our interactive map indicates where buyers can access renewable energy from their utility at scale. The map includes large-scale renewable energy purchasing options in different states, including green tariff programs and other utility/customer individual transactions (i.e., sleeved PPAs). Buyers can use the map to inform decisions on where to site new facilities, prioritize their renewable energy purchasing strategies, and meet their clean energy goals.

The map also compares each product to the Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers’ Principles and includes details from REBA and WRI’s Emerging Green Tariffs in US Regulated Electricity Markets publication. The Technical Note describes the scope and analytical methodology for the renewable energy options identified in the map.

U.S. Green Tariff Deals: Purchases are Growing

Large-scale renewable energy buyers are transforming the electricity market one deal at a time. Our interactive graph explores the renewable contracts signed by large-scale energy buyers and monopoly utilities via green tariffs. The chart includes only transactions that have been executed. The Emerging Green Tariffs in U.S. Regulated Electricity Markets publication identifies the full list of available green tariffs.

To learn more, please contact Celina Bonugli.