World Resource Institute

Clean Energy Investment Accelerator

As renewables become cheaper, companies and countries have new opportunities to reduce energy costs and meet their climate goals.

Over 140 major companies have already pledged to shift to 100% renewable energy and have made significant progress toward these targets in the U.S. and in Europe. But in emerging markets, regulatory and market barriers have slowed investment and limited clean energy deployment across supply chains. Through targeted engagement in key countries, the CEIA unlocks clean energy investment across commercial and industrial sectors, and helps companies meet their clean energy targets while supporting countries to meet their climate and development goals.

In each market, the CEIA advances three essential pillars for scaling clean energy:

  • Enabling private sector purchasers to aggregate demand and deploy clean energy
  • Developing energy demand aggregation models and using financial tools to grow the clean energy pipeline and unlock access to finance
  • Working with national and subnational governments to strengthen policy frameworks to increase clean energy investment and deployment

The CEIA engages with government leaders to create policy environments that support and attract clean energy investment. By bringing together the public and private sectors and providing technical support to commercial and industrial energy consumers, the CEIA helps businesses inform policy and test new purchasing models that can be replicated and scaled.

The CEIA aggregates clean energy demand of multiple buyers to reach economies of scale, lower the cost of renewables, attract quality service providers and drive investment toward new pools of projects. Our technical team helps buyers procure clean energy by collecting and analyzing data, designing and issuing Requests for Proposals and evaluating bids. The CEIA works with multinational companies, their supply chain partners and other regional and local businesses, to demonstrate the success of new procurement mechanisms and help secure project financing and new investment. Our work focuses on transforming markets in Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico and Colombia.

We work to share knowledge and apply best practices across different markets and encourage regional replication of the CEIA model. These actions amplify lessons learned on key policy and financing solutions to scale commercial and industrial clean energy globally.

To learn more about the CEIA, visit the CEIA website or contact Alex Perera.

To learn more about the CEIA in Mexico, contact Andres Flores.

To learn more about the CEIA in Indonesia, contact Almo Pradana.

To learn more about the CEIA in Vietnam, contact Alex Perera.