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Webinar: Build Back Better: How Climate Action Can Accelerate COVID-19 Recovery

While governments focus their immediate response on responding to urgent health, economic and social crises, the climate emergency continues. Governments and international development institutions can, and should, tackle the dual challenges of climate change and COVID-19 recovery.

Webinar Recording

About the Webinar

In response to COVID-19, the COP26 climate summit is on hold until 2021. But while governments focus on responding to urgent health, economic and social crises, the climate emergency continues. Countries must lay the groundwork for a brighter future by aligning recovery measures with ambitious national climate commitments, adaptation plans and goals to reach net-zero emissions over the coming decades.

This London Climate Action Week virtual event, co-hosted with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United Kingdom, covers how governments and international development institutions can tackle the dual challenges of climate change and COVID-19 recovery. Panelists offered concrete examples of how countries can guide short-term stimulus; shared their respective approaches to keeping the drumbeat of climate ambition alive during the global economic downturn and the long road to COP 26; and highlighted the ongoing relevance of climate action, especially for vulnerable countries.


  • Vel Gnanendran, Director of Climate and Environment, Department for International Development UK
  • Kitty van der Heijden, Director General for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
  • Wanjira Mathai, Vice President & Regional Director, WRI Africa
  • Joyce Msuya, Deputy Executive Director, UNEP
  • Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President of World Resources Institute (moderator).

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