World Resource Institute

Building Back Better After Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The COVID-19 pandemic is a human tragedy of epic proportions. People have lost loved ones, jobs and businesses. The effects will ripple throughout economies and communities for years — even decades.

Governments and others will spend trillions of dollars responding to the effects of the coronavirus. Rebuilding the old-fashioned way — by investing in fossil fuel-driven growth that threatens human health and exacerbates inequality — is a dangerous proposition. Future prosperity demands that countries build back better.

To build back better, countries must harness low-carbon investment opportunities to reboot economies while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution that jeopardize lives. It means pulling people out of poverty and creating more jobs. And it means fostering resilience to future shocks like disease outbreaks and the impacts of climate change.

WRI offers research, expert insights, webinars and more to help policymakers, business leaders and others build back better, in ways that grow economies, create jobs, curb climate change and improve public health.

Bookmark this page as we will continue to add new resources and research. You can also reach out to one of our experts for more information.

Featured Resources

COVID-19 Expert Notes: Rebooting the U.S. Economy After COVID-19

COVID-19 Expert Notes offer national policymakers guidance on developing low-carbon, resilient investments in key sectors that can create jobs and rebuild the economy.

BMU and WRI Global Dialogue Series: Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Crisis


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