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Webinar: Build Back Better: Urban New Infrastructure Drives the Post-Pandemic Green Recovery in China

Experts from both the public and private sectors will discuss the role of new infrastructure including 5G and artificial intelligence technologies in promoting the urban economic recovery and low-carbon transition in China.

About the Webinar

Amid the fight against COVID-19, cities across China are accelerating major infrastructure projects that are defined in national, provincial and municipal investment plans, while pushing “New Infrastructure” investments forward like 5G networks and data centers. New Infrastructure investments under the economic stimulus will have a long-term impact on Chinese cities’ economic recovery, environmental quality and emissions reduction. Therefore, only building back is not enough. Chinese cities must build back better to protect human health and combat climate change while achieving economic growth.

Sustainable urban infrastructure plays an important role in achieving sustainable economic development. As we enter a new technological era with 5G, artificial intelligence, big data and the Internet of Things, what opportunities and challenges will new infrastructure investments bring to sustainable development of cities? In this webinar, well-known experts from public and private sectors discuss the roles of this new infrastructure in promoting urban economic recovery and the low-carbon transition.


  • Qiu Baoxing, Counselor of the State Council; Former Vice Minister, MOHURD; President, Urban Planning Society of China
  • Linda Kalcher, Director of EU Institutional Relations, European Climate Foundation
  • Zhao Penglin, Former Deputy Secretary General, Shenzhen Municipal Government; Special Consultant for DG of Management Committee of Xiong’an New Area
  • Wei Qing, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft China
  • Liu Xiaoshi, Deputy Secretary General, China EV 100
  • Yao Naisheng, Vice President, JD Digits Group
  • Liu Daizong, Sustainable Cities China Program Director, WRI China
  • Fang Li, Chief Representative, WRI China 

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