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Open Climate Network Launches Website to Track National Progress on Climate Change

Welcome to the Open Climate Network website, a platform for updates and analysis on country actions on climate mitigation and the provision of climate finance. Here you will find information on the latest policy developments in our partner countries and results of Open Climate Network analysis.

The Open Climate Network (OCN) is developing a set of climate policy tracking and assessment tools that will help people raise the right questions about climate-related policy design and implementation in their countries. These tools will generate a nuanced, contextualized, independent, and peer-reviewed understanding of climate policy implementation for both domestic and international audiences. Our aim is to harness the insights captured through the assessment tools and use them to engage civil society and others in the interest of improving policy design and implementation. We are currently piloting our assessment framework, with the goal of releasing the first set of country assessments in the first half of 2012. When these are ready, you'll find them here. We recognize, however, that an essential part of understanding what countries are doing to mitigate climate change and provide climate financing is keeping up to date with policy developments as they arise. On this site, we aim to supplement our yearly country assessments with timely discussion from experts at our partner organizations on policy developments in each of the OCN countries.

We hope that the Open Climate Network site will be a resource for those shaping policy decisions at the local, national, and international scale. Please join in the conversation. Leave comments and ask questions. Help us accelerate progress toward a climate-compatible future by gathering, analyzing, and sharing information related to national climate policies and climate finance around the globe.

Open Climate Network countries include: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Union nations, India, Japan, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, and the United States.

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