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CAIT’s Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Now Available in Google Public Data Explorer

Last year, in an effort to make our climate data more accessible, WRI launched a pilot that paired estimates of U.S. state greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) with the Google Public Data Explorer, a tool that visualizes large data sets with interactive charts and maps.

We have now gone global – following up this initial offering with a subset of international GHG data from CAIT, including time series of GHG emissions totals, per capita, and per GDP for nearly 200 countries. CAIT has compiled these data sets using the latest publicly-available data from leading global sources, including the International Energy Agency, U.S. government agencies, and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.

As the IEA recently reported, energy-related CO2 emissions reached a record high in 2010, meaning that, collectively, we are failing to manage GHG emissions in a way that provides for a sustainable, climate-safe future. Combining CAIT’s information with the power of the Public Data Explorer enables users to navigate the data behind this story by clearly visualizing where emissions are on the rise, which countries are making strides toward their low-carbon goal, and much more.

Explore these examples of CAIT international data, or visit the Public Data Explorer for more:

Who are the world's most carbon-intensive countries?

How have per capita greenhouse gas emissions changed over time?

Suggestions for what you would like to see, or have a question about CAIT International data? Let us know here or join the conversation at

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