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U.S.-China Climate and Energy: Cooperation or Competition?

Leading US-China Experts Discuss Tianjin and US-China Climate and Energy Issues.

The international climate meetings in Tianjin on October 4-9 will be a key moment for US-China relations on climate and energy. Today ChinaFAQs experts held a press call to discuss how the countries are cooperating on climate and energy issues, and the risks and benefits involved.

“The first thing to note is the political significance of China hosting an important UN climate change negotiating session. It shows the importance China puts on the issue of climate change, but also its commitment to the United Nations,” said Jennifer Morgan, Director of WRI's Climate and Energy Program.

A recording of the entire call is available below.

The call featured:

  • Jennifer Morgan, Director, Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute

  • Kenneth Lieberthal, Director, John L. Thornton China Center, and Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institute

  • Deborah Seligsohn, Principal Advisor, China Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute (Beijing)

  • Joanna Lewis, Assistant Professor of Science, Technology and International Affairs (STIA), Georgetown University

ChinaFAQs, a project convened by WRI, provides insight into critical questions about Chinese policy and action on energy and climate change. ChinaFAQs is a portal to policy-relevant data and analysis informed by a network of leading U.S. research institutions, business groups, and civil society.

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