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The 10 Big Questions For Corporate Forest Product Purchasing

Corporate procurement managers are increasingly looking for ways to ensure that wood and paper-based products are environmentally and socially sound. The WRI/WBCSD procurement guide being released today is a toolbox to help them.

There are several reasons for the shift in procurement practices, including protection of sensitive ecosystems and forests, increasing demand from consumers for sustainable products, reduced costs, and competitive brand positioning. But until recently, finding concise and credible advice on sustainable procurement issues has been a maze for many corporate managers.

That maze becomes a lot simpler today, with the release of the Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-Based Products, a joint report from WRI and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The report is an overview of sustainable procurement for this sector, together with a virtual rolodex of 23 purchasing resources and tools, all in one location.

10 Things You Should Know

What are the key issues around sustainable procurement of wood and paper-based products? The Procurement Guide provides a comprehensive overview, and a directory of resources for managers to develop their own purchasing policies.

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