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Climate, Energy & Transport

Electric car sales hit U.S. records this year, with almost 66,000 sold just in July and August, more than double the number sold during the same period in 2017. Media campaigns can help spur this growing demand, but in the absence of federal leadership, automakers need to step up to support this low-emissions mode of transport.

The Green Climate Fund, a major source of finance for developing countries seeking to address climate change, has committed $3.5 billion for projects around the world. But now it needs to replenish its resources in an effective, transparent and inclusive way -- soon. Among other things, it could use an external facilitator to help move the process along.

If your colleague or child does well and you give her or him positive feedback, that’s good.If climate change causes a cascade of impacts that result in additional climate change — which scientists call “positive feedback” — that’s bad, and maybe catastrophic.

The world will need an estimated $140 billion per year — or more — to help adapt to the damaging impacts of climate change. But funders have gotten caught up in drawing bright lines between adaptation and development programs. To get the most out of scarce adaptation dollars, the world needs to move past this false distinction.

In August 2017, several days of heavy rain triggered a landslide in the Regent area outside of Freetown, Sierra Leone, killing over 1,000 people, affecting at...

In his first Insights post as Director, WRI United States, Dan Lashof focuses on some good news from California: a comprehensive suite of climate policies helped the Golden State meet its 2020 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions four years early, while California's economy grew.


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