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climate change


Climate change is a global challenge with serious consequences for our social and economic infrastructure as well as the natural environment. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that cause climate change are emitted mainly from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.


In recent years several Republican and Democratic governors have imposed new pollution taxes, often winning bipartisan acclaim. A growing number of commentators have supported such measures at the federal level.


This report reviews corporate greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions management based on the experiences of nine large corporations from various economic sectors. In 2003 WRI began convening this group of companies, all of which are based in the northeastern U.S.


This chapter -- from the book Climate Policy for the 21st Century: Meeting the Long-Term Challenge of Global Warming, edited by David Miche -- examines the capacity needs and constraints faced by governments in relation to making future climate protection commitments under the UNFCCC.


This paper, published by the IEA and OECD, explores the issue of country-level institutional capacity necessary for future climate-related actions, particularly in developing countries.


Since 1997, debates over global climate change policy have focused narrowly on the Kyoto Protocol---an international treaty to control greenhouse gas emissions that are trapping heat in the atmosphere.


Overview of the seventh meeting of the COP of the Framework Convention on Climate Change


SCSB partners are already taking steps to focus on the issue of climate change because it is important not only that we understand the issues but also that we understand and control our own emissions.


This report explains why delaying policy implementation threatens to make climate protection more, not less, costly while also postponing potential benefits from early action.

Findings include:


Spells out a realistic and workable plan that ensures a healthy stock of environmental and natural resources assets. Examine environmental performance and trends in agriculture, electricity generation, transportation, and pulp and paper manufacturing.


The report serves as a guide to sorting out the benefits of controlling greenhouse gas emissions, not only in reducing the risks of global warming, but in cutting air pollution and enhancing national security as well.


The United States and other nations are committed under the Framework Convention on Climate Change to prevent greenhouse gases from accumulating in the atmosphere, but the economic impacts of limiting greenhouse gas emissions are almost as uncertain as the impacts of climate change themselves.


This report addresses a profoundly important question: given hard evidence that human activity is damaging the atmosphere, can we alter deeply embedded economic habits to forestall it? In at least one case -- the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances -- the answer is yes.


Hundreds of billions of dollars are lost each year because the United States taxes economically productive resources such as capital and labor. Pollution taxes offer an alternative source of revenues that reduce these losses and reduce pollution.

  • World Environment Overview. Crisp summations of the worlds most critical environmental and natural resource problems.


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