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The Two Degree Initiative Listening Sessions: Conference Proceedings

As part of the Global Commission on Adaptation’s Year of Action, WRI and the Global Center on Adaptation partnered with CGIAR to conduct over 50 listening sessions to inform the Two Degree Initiative — a proposed flagship effort within the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) to transform the global food system for a climate-smart future. Its goal is to help 200 million small-scale agricultural producers across the globe adapt to climate change.

These conference proceedings document the key findings from those listening sessions, which were intended to help better understand the perspectives, needs, and priorities of farmers, herders and fishers, NGOs and CSOs, governments, and the private sector. Over 1,000 stakeholders in more than 60 countries participated, including representatives from national research agencies, government, communities, and the private sector, as well as members of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as farmers,’ women’s, youth, and environmental organizations, staff of donor and UN agencies, and researchers. The sessions were held between March and October 2020.

Key Findings

Executive Summary

Full executive summary available in the paper.

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