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STATEMENT: U.S. Companies Charge Forward on Renewables with Launch of New REBA Organization

WASHINGTON (March 28, 2019)—The private sector is emerging as a force for good when it comes to electricity, with more and more businesses taking initiative and demanding that utilities supply clean energy. Last year, corporate demand for renewables reached a new high in the U.S., as companies made deals to purchase 6.43 gigawatts of electricity from renewable sources.

Today, over 300 companies including Google, Facebook, General Motors and Walmart formally launched the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA). The new membership organization makes up the largest group of clean energy buyers in the United States.

In 2014, WRI joined forces with Rocky Mountain Institute, WWF, Business for Social Responsibility and leading companies to form the original REBA, with a mission of helping overcome barriers that companies faced in procuring renewable energy. This collaboration has been so successful that the REBA community has grown to more than 200 large energy buyers as well as over 150 clean energy developers and service providers. 98 percent of all large-scale US corporate renewable energy deals to date have included a participant of the REBA community.

Following is a statement from Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy:

“The future will be powered by clean, renewable electricity—and large corporate buyers in the U.S. are leading the way. They’ve demonstrated how consumer demand can jumpstart a renewable future.

"Since 2014, our partnership with corporations has shifted their purchasing strategies and helped design new utility offers to meet corporate customer needs. WRI is delighted to see REBA growing to new heights—becoming self-sustaining and scaling successful purchasing strategies by reaching thousands of new energy buyers as a membership organization. I am personally delighted to continue supporting the new REBA as a board member.

"The strategies REBA developed in the past 5 years show just how powerful a force corporate buyers can be in ushering in the energy transition. At WRI we are pleased to be working in Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, the Philippines and Vietnam to help companies access and contract for renewable sources of electricity. These efforts help build a clean energy economy, reduce air pollution and create new jobs in renewable energy. In the U.S. we are now turning to support cities as they pursue renewables strategies.”

More information: WRI’s work to bring more renewables into energy markets around the world is ongoing, including through the Special Clean Power Council for Buyers and Utilities, American Cities Climate Challenge Renewables Accelerator, Clean Energy Investment Accelerator and Green Power Market Development Group.


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