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ADVISORY: Press Call to Preview WRI’s Global Report on Creating a Sustainable Food Future

WASHINGTON (November 20, 2018)—How can we feed the world without destroying it? By 2050, there will be nearly 10 billion people on the planet. Feeding everyone in a way that ensures healthy nutrition without exacerbating poverty, fueling deforestation and increasing emissions will be impossible without major changes to the global food system.

This is the focus of WRI’s World Resources Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future synthesis being released December 5. The result of multiple years of research and modeling, the report shows there is no silver bullet: we need to produce a lot more crops, meat and milk on the same land; lower food waste and demand for beef and lamb; use innovative technologies to reduce emissions; stop deforestation and restore forests; and much more. WRI offers a five-course menu of solutions that show it is possible to feed everyone sustainably and quantifies how far each solution can get us.

WRI will preview the findings on Thursday, November 29 at 10:00 am EST / 16:00 CET with report authors Tim Searchinger, Senior Fellow, WRI, and Janet Ranganathan, Vice President of Science and Research, WRI, plus Martien van Nieuwkoop, Director of Agriculture, World Bank, and Lindiwe Sibanda, Co-Chair, Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture, and Kevin Brennan, Chief Executive, Quorn Foods. The report was produced in partnership with the World Bank, UN Environment, UN Development Programme, CIRAD and INRA.

The WRR Food Synthesis Report is embargoed for Wednesday, December 5 at 00:01 am EST / 6:01 CET. Email Ally Friedman at or Nicholas Walton to request an embargoed copy and RSVP for the press call.


Press call to preview findings from the World Resources Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future synthesis


Thursday, November 29 at 10:00 am EST / 16:00 CET



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Email Ally Friedman at or Nicholas Walton to RSVP, request additional international dial-in numbers and see an embargoed copy of the report.


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