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STATEMENT: President Obama to Announce Action on Climate Change

President Obama will deliver a major announcement on climate change on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at Georgetown University.

Following is a statement by Andrew Steer, President and CEO, of World Resources Institute:

“For too long the United States has lacked a national climate strategy. This has created great uncertainty at home and a leadership void in the international arena.

“With a national strategy that reaches across federal agencies, the President can reset the climate agenda. Climate change impacts our homes, our land, our water, and our jobs. These impacts cut across our entire society and demand comprehensive action.

“WRI analysis finds that the Obama Administration has the tools to achieve the country’s 17 percent target, and drive greater reductions ahead. For the sake of future generations, we cannot afford to wait.

“Tackling carbon pollution from power plants is the greatest opportunity and should be at the core of any serious approach to reduce U.S. emissions. For the first time, a U.S. president is taking such action.

“A comprehensive climate strategy will provide businesses with greater certainty and drive investments and innovation that can charge the U.S. economy. This announcement will have ripple effects that will increase the urgency of action around the globe.

“In laying out a comprehensive plan, President Obama can reclaim U.S. leadership on climate change, while putting the country on a path to a safer future.”


Read more about WRI's report, Can We Get There From Here?

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