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Shaadee Ahmadnia

Global Forest Watch Research Intern

Shaadee is the Research Intern for Global Forest Watch working on socializing the pixel. Her focus is on incorporating the human dimensions of forests to the global forest change platform....

Kerry LePain

Program Delivery Associate, Coalition for Urban Transitions

Kerry is Program Delivery Associate with the Coalition for Urban Transitions. Kerry works on strategic planning and performance management across the Coalition’s programs, and supports project...

Francisco Minella Pasqual

Urban Mobility Assistant, WRI Brasil Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Francisco Minella Pasqual is an Urban Mobility Assistant at WRI Brasil Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, working with a focus on new sustainable mobility and its regulations.


Marina Caregnato Garcia

Urban Economics Analyst, WRI Brasil Sustainable Cities

Marina is an Urban Economics Analyst in the Urban Development team of WRI Brasil. She provides support to the analysis of urban financing, including financing instruments for gray and natural...

Bruno Calixto

Communications Specialist, WRI Brasil

Bruno Calixto is a Communications Specialist at WRI Brasil. He creates content and support communications strategy for the Climate and Forests programs at WRI Brasil.

Prior to joining WRI...

Alejandro Schwedhelm

Urban Mobility Associate, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Alejandro is an Urban Mobility Associate in the Health and Road Safety practice area of the Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. As a subject matter expert in sustainable urban transport he...

Caio de Araujo Barbosa

Remote Sensing Scientist, Global Forest Watch

Caio joined WRI in 2016 to work on a GEF/UNEP project addressing key barriers to better information availability and use in Madagascar and Georgia. He works on developing innovative, technically...

Robin Chazdon

Senior Fellow, Global Restoration Initiative

Robin is a part-time Senior Fellow in the Forests Program. She provides expertise on forest regeneration and ecosystem services of forests to several ongoing programs within the Global Restoration...

Mauricio Cardenas

Intern, New Food and Land Use Economy

Mauricio works as intern of the New Food and Land Use Economy Project. He provides research and editing support for the development of a Road Map for advancing agricultural productivity, promoting...

Mario Finch

Research Manager, Climate Ambition and Implementation

Mario is a Research Manager, Climate Ambition and Implementation, under the Global Climate program. He leads research initiatives that focus on the nexus between NDC enhancement and green recovery...


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