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What Happened to the World’s Forests in 2020?

Join the conversation: #TreeCoverLoss

Much of the world was brought to a standstill in 2020. How did forests fare as the world grappled with a global pandemic and economies in turmoil? Where were forests most impacted by fires and other consequences of climate change?

2020 was also the target year for many, now missed, commitments to end deforestation. Were there signs in 2020 that countries or companies might be starting to take these pledges seriously?

The World Resource Institute’s Global Forest Watch team provides analysis on annual tree cover loss data each year, showing when and where forest loss occurred around the world. This year, the tree cover loss data will be released via the Global Forest Review on March 31, pairing in-depth analysis with expert insights on the current state of the world’s forests.

Join global experts from WRI on March 31 at 9 AM ET for an overview of the 2020 tree cover loss data and analysis.

All registrants will receive a copy of the webinar recording even if they cannot join live.



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