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Launch of Clean Air Catalyst: Accelerating Clean Air Solutions to Deliver Better Health, Climate and Development Outcomes

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Air pollution is the greatest environmental threat to human health – causing more than 6 million premature deaths each year. Poor air quality affects nearly every organ in the body and increases vulnerability to infectious disease and asthma. And it has profound impacts on climate agriculture productivity, food security, biodiversity, climate and economic development.

We are overdue in cleaning up the air.

The Clean Air Catalyst is a new flagship program of USAID and a global consortium of organizations led by WRI and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). We are working with communities on the frontlines of this global crisis to better understand local pollution sources and identify solutions that lead to sustained progress on cleaner, healthier air.

To mark our official launch, join us for a virtual conversation on "Accelerating Clean Air Solutions to Deliver Better Health, Climate and Development Outcomes."

Featured speakers include:

  • U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee
  • Karl Fickenscher, Acting Assistant Administrator of USAID’s Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation
  • Rebecca Garland, Principal Researcher, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
  • Asad Warsi, Sustainability Advisor, Indore Municipal Corporation, India
  • Yulia, Policy Manager, Governor's Delivery Unit, Jakarta City Government, Indonesia

The discussion will be moderated by Jessica Seddon, WRI's Global Lead for Air Quality and Sarah Vogel, Vice President for Health, Environmental Defense Fund

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