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How Monitoring Can Help Brazil Meet Its Land Restoration Goals

This event is in Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English.


Join the conversation: #GenerationRestoration

Brazil has committed to restore 12 million hectares of degraded and deforested land through its commitment to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Its goal? Store carbon, protect biodiversity, and create jobs and economic opportunity for rural communities.

In recent years, dozens of projects and hundreds of communities have started restoring forests, farms, and pasture across Brazil’s many biomes, from the Atlantic Forest to the Amazon and the Cerrado. But, until now, researchers couldn’t comprehensively assess how much land that local organizations, companies, and state governments have begun to restore. To track that progress and ensure that people working in the field are recognized for their important work, the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture has developed a new platform that gathers data on restoration, reforestation and natural regeneration.

Join the Coalition, WRI Brasil, and their partners for the launch of the Brazilian Restoration and Reforestation Observatory, a first-of-its-kind tool that brings data from across the country into one easily accessible place. In this webinar, you will be introduced to the platform, understand how the team has collected and interpreted the data, and hear the results of a preliminary analysis that shows how many hectares of land in Brazil are under forest restoration, natural regeneration, and reforestation.

The Observatory was generously supported by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).


Opening remarks

  • Rachel Biderman, Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture and Conservation International

Presenting the Observatory


  • Danielle Celentano, Alliance for the Restoration of the Amazon
  • Marcio Macedo, Brazilian Development Bank
  • Rafael Baroni, Suzano
  • Edson Santiami, Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact
  • Cláudio Dupas, Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
  • Marcos Sossai, Secretariat for Environment and Water Resources of the State of Espiríto Santo
Brazil, Forests

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