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A Transatlantic Dialogue on Biodiversity: Ambitions and Hopes Towards 2030

2020 was supposed to be a “Super Year” for biodiversity policy. Instead, the high-level meetings and international conventions that were supposed to advance ambition and lead to commitments were postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, despite these challenges the European Union this year launched the EU Biodiversity Strategy, and preparations are underway for several global biodiversity-related events that moved to 2021, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and the IUCN World Conservation Congress.

To share an update on the EU Biodiversity Strategy and on priorities for these upcoming meetings and biodiversity policy writ large, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Delegation of the European Union in the United States would like to invite you to a virtual event.

The event will provide an opportunity for exchange and discussion about the respective EU and U.S. priorities and ambitions on biodiversity conservation, bearing in mind the outcomes of the UN Biodiversity Summit, and the sobering conclusions of the recently-released UNEP-CBD Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 as well as the WWF Living Planet 2020 Report. The event aims to give the European Commission and the U.S. Department of State opportunity to share an overview over their work at the domestic and international level to promote biodiversity conservation.


  • Humberto Delgado Rosa, Director of the Natural Capital Directorate, European Commission
  • Christine Dawson, Director, Office of Conservation and Water, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES/ECW), U.S. Department of State.
  • Craig Hanson, Vice President for Food, Forests, Water and the Ocean, WRI (moderator)

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