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Tomorrow's Markets: Designing for Longevity, Repair and Reuse

This panel will explore the opportunities and impacts of alternative business models to address the large environmental footprint of the fashion industry.

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With global consumption forecast to grow fourfold in coming decades as we bring more and more people out of poverty and into the middle classes we need to find new business models that are not predicated selling ever more stuff ever more quickly. It is a challenging topic in a world in which governments, businesses and citizens have been so well served by current models of consumption. In this panel, we will hear about the magnitude of the challenge and responses from organizations that are exploring alternative business models such as longevity, repair and reuse.


About the Exhibit

Change Fashion is a thought leadership conference and immersive sustainability experience designed to educate attendees and consumers about the devastating environmental impact of the fashion industry.

The apparel industry has one of the largest carbon footprints globally, and contributes to massive air and water pollution. Consumer behavior, in addition to industry practices, have contributed to what is now approaching a global crisis. Given the magnitude and urgency of the problem, efforts towards conscious consumption and responsible production will need to be more widely adopted and amplified.

If fashion brands join forces with suppliers, investors, regulators, NGO's, academia and consumers to create businesses that are sustainable, the possibility exists to avoid an irreversible global crisis. Change Fashion will provide a forum for dialogue between consumers and industry leaders -- inviting both sides to consider how the fashion industry can evolve into one that is infinitely sustainable.

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