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Promising Approaches to Source Water Protection

This webinar will discuss lessons and opportunities for how to establish and grow a successful watershed investment program.

Watershed investment programs are sprouting across the United States, offering promising pathways to protecting natural areas and securing clean drinking water. But what does it take to establish and grow a successful watershed investment program?

Geared for conservation practitioners and investors alike, this webinar will review guidance and ideas on how to build a successful watershed investment program, based on the experiences of several programs from across the United States.

Todd Gartner will kick off by reviewing 10 success factors for watershed investment programs, which were recently distilled through a comparative study of 13 watershed investment programs in the United States. Next, diving into the case of Portland, Maine’s watershed investment program, Paul Hunt will discuss how the municipal water utility’s Watershed Land Conservation Program came to fruition, highlighting their strategy and issues on the horizon. Finally, Michael Curley will highlight opportunities to utilize the State Revolving Fund, a powerful public environmental finance program that can support watershed investment programs.


Todd Gartner, Senior Associate and Manager, Natural Infrastructure for Water, World Resources Institute
Paul Hunt, Environmental Manager, Portland Water District
Michael Curley, Visiting Scholar, Environmental Law Institute


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