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WEBINAR: The Restoration Diagnostic

A method for developing forest landscape restoration strategies by rapidly assessing the status of key success factors.

The Restoration Diagnostic: A Method for Developing Forest Landscape Restoration Strategies by Rapidly Assessing the Status of Key Success Factors is a structured method for identifying which key success factors for forest landscape restoration are already in place, which are partially in place, and which are missing within a country or landscape that has restoration opportunities.

When applied prior to a restoration effort, the Diagnostic can help decision-makers and restoration supporters focus their efforts on the most important factors to get in place—before large amounts of human, financial, or political capital are invested.


  • Craig Hanson, Global Director, Food, Forests and Water, World Resources Institute
  • Kathleen Buckingham, Research Associate, Global Restoration Initiative, World Resources Institute
  • Miguel Calmon, Senior Manager, Landscape Restoration Knowledge, Tools and Capacity, IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature


Previous WEBINAR: The Restoration Diagnostic (April 7, 2016)


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