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Delivering on the US Climate Commitment: A 10-Point Plan Toward A Low-Carbon Future

New WRI research examines where greenhouse gas emissions are headed and how the US can meet its 2025 emissions target


U.S. leadership is essential for a global transition to a low-carbon economy and success at the Paris climate negotiations this December. Recently, the U.S. put forward a proposal to reduce its carbon emissions 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, effectively doubling the rate of reductions compared to its last international pledge. But can the U.S. administration fulfill this serious offer despite a challenging political landscape? And if so, what are the specific federal and state-level policies and standards that are necessary to reach this goal?

A diverse panel of experts share their thoughts on these important questions as the World Resources Institute released Delivering on the U.S. Climate Commitment: A 10-Point Plan Toward a Low-Carbon Future. This landmark publication examines several pathways for the United States to use existing policies and authority to accelerate technology trends underway to make deep emissions cuts while taking advantage of economic opportunities from improved efficiencies and affordable, low-carbon solutions.


  • Sam Adams, Director, U.S. Climate Initiative, World Resources Institute
  • Karl Hausker, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute
  • Rick Duke, Deputy Director for Climate Policy, White House Office of Energy and Climate Change
  • Richard Kauffman, Chairman of Energy and Finance for New York, Office of New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
  • John Coequyt, Director of Federal and International Climate Campaigns, Sierra Club
  • Mark Wagner, Vice President of Government Affairs, Johnson Controls
  • Suzanne Goldenberg, U.S. Environment Correspondent, The Guardian [moderator]


  • Networking breakfast (9:00 - 9:30 a.m.)

  • Opening remarks by Sam Adams, Director, U.S. Climate Initiative, World Resources Institute

  • Study overview and short Q&A with Karl Hausker, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute

  • Panel discussion moderated by Suzanne Goldenberg, with audience Q&A

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