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Global Forest Watch: Applications for Biodiversity

WRI Presents at Convention on Biological Diversity COP 12

Most terrestrial species are restricted to forested landscapes, where habitat loss and fragmentation directly affect their populations. Some species are endemic to a particular region, whereas others — tigers, great apes, woodland caribou, and elephants — need large contiguous forest landscapes to persist. Without maintaining or restoring critical biodiversity areas and corridors, these species will continue to decline.

Through a partnership with RESOLVE's Biodiversity and Wildlife Solutions Program, Global Forest Watch (GFW) is integrating the most important data for critical landscapes such as tiger conservation landscapes, Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, and endemic bird areas. Coupled with the best available data on tree cover change, land use concessions, and other contextual information, we can now better understand and monitor how these critical landscapes are changing, through a free, accessible, and easy to use platform.

WRI’s Nigel Sizer and Chip Barber will present, together with partners from the CBD, Norway, and other nations, to highlight how Global Forest Watch biodiversity-specific applications can bring the strength of existing GFW information together with new data and functionality to create a tool tailored towards the monitoring and national implementation of CBD targets.

18:30-18:45 Opening Remarks

  • Dr. Braulio Dias, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Ms. Tone Solhaug, Government of Norway & Chair, Working Group I, COP 12

18:45 – 19:15 Global Forest Watch Presentation

  • Overview of Global Forest Watch
    Dr. Nigel Sizer, Director, Forests Program, World Resources Institute
  • How Can Global Forest Watch Help Track Progress towards the Aichi Targets?
    Dr. Eric Dinerstein, RESOLVE
  • Global Forest Watch in the Policy and Political Context of the CBD
    Dr. Charles Barber, Senior Manager, Forests Program, World Resources Institute

19:15 – 19:30 Panel of Respondents

  • Ms. Mare Sendstad, Government of Norway
  • Additional respondents (TBA)

19:30 –20:00 Open Discussion

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