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World Water Week: Water Scarcity and Risk Mapping Using Geo and Satellite Data

This session will highlight the use of advanced technologies including satellite and geo data to improve water availability mapping for a target audience of water managers, policy makers and companies.

The session will summarize the possible uses of innovative spatial data to help tackle global water challenges to the local scale. The session combines the advanced technologies using NASA and geo satellite data along with water risk mapping using World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Aqueduct tool.

The NASA portion will describe its free and open exchange of satellite data especially useful for developing countries. Satellites provide synoptic and timely spatial data to address water issues from water availability, including of transboundary and the monitoring of floods and droughts. The NASA sub-session will focus on case studies and partnering with public and private groups in Asia and Africa.

WRI will showcase global water risk maps using the best publicly available data and modelling techniques and how maps are used to prioritize investment and engage private and public sectors. Aqueduct’s water risk information is available at a global scale to help organizations evaluate exposure to water risk across operations, supply chains, and regional landscapes.


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