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Climate Finance

  2022 2023 2024 2025
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
  SBs56   COP27/CMA4   SBs58   COP28/CMA5   SBs58   COP29/CMA6  
Post-2025 Climate Finance Goal New Goal Submissions TED New Goal Submissions HLMD TED TED TED HLMD TED TED TED HLMD        
TED   TED Technical Paper         TED     NCQG Deliberation        
      TED       TED Annual Report       Summary report HLMD        
      TED Annual Report       Summary report HLMD       TED        
      Summary report HLMD       NCQG Deliberation       TED Annual Report        
      NCQG Deliberation               Setting the New Goal        
        CMA4     CMA5 COP28     CMA6   CMA7
Climate Finance Reporting       9.5 summary of HLMD 9.5 Compilation and Synthesis report   Final electronic reporting tools   9.5 summary of HLMD Synthesis report BTRs
      Compilation and Synthesis 5th BRs 9.5 in-session workshop       BTR Web Portal 9.5 Compilation and synthesis report
      5th BR   Test electronic reporting tools   9.5 in-session workshop summary report       3rd 9.5 biennial communications 9.5 in-session workshop
      2nd 9.5 biennial communications       9.5 HLMD       Final BUR 9.5 HLMD
              Update of 9.5 guidelines       First BTRs       9.5 in-session workshop summary report
              Submissions on electronic reporting tools                
  SBs56   COP27/CMA4   SBs58   COP28/CMA5   SBs58   COP29/CMA6  
Long-Term Climate Finance LTF HLMD       Summary report LTF HLMD       Summary report LTF HLMD       Summary report LTF HLMD
Standing Committee on Finance   Climate Finance Definitions   SCF Forum       Conclusion 2nd review of the SCF       NDR        
Submissions on Art. 2.1c               BA        
Information Relevant to Art. 2.1c                        
      Synthesis of Art. 2.1c Submissions                        
      Report on the $100 Billion Goal                        
      Initiation 2nd review of the SCF                        
Financial Mechanism   8th replenishment of the GEF   7th Review of the Financial Mechanism   Pledging conference GCF 2nd replenishment                    
  Submissions for GEF guidance   GCF 2nd replenishment                        
Loss & Damage Finance     Glasgow Dialogue on L&D finance       Glasgow Dialogue on L&D finance       Glasgow Dialogue on L&D finance          
Adaptation Finance   Submissions for the 4th review of the AF   AF review technical paper                       Doubling of adaptation finance
      4th Review of the AF                        

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