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Area of Expertise: governance

Frances Seymour

Distinguished Senior Fellow

WRI Distinguished Senior Fellow Frances Seymour is one of the world’s foremost authorities on sustainable development whose extensive research, leadership and management experience has given her a...

Peter Veit

Director, Land and Resource Rights Initiative

Peter is Director of the Land and Resource Rights (LRR) initiative. LRR seeks to strengthen land tenure and natural resource rights of rural people and communities by: 1) conducting research and...

Lalanath de Silva

Director, Environmental Democracy Practice

Lalanath De Silva was a public interest litigator and advocate for over two decades. Pioneering the growth of public interest law in the area of the environment, he appeared in many of Sri Lanka's...

Tao Hu

Senior Associate

(Tom) HuTao is the Senior Associate at Institutions ad Governance Program for the International Financial Flows and the Environment (IFFE) project which works to improve the environmental and social d

Denise Leung

Senior Associate, Finance Center

Denise is an Associate at WRI's Finance Center. Her work focuses on improving the environmental and social performance of overseas investments from emerging economies such as China and Brazil. She...

Louise Helen Brown

Senior Associate, Finance Center

Louise Brown is an Associate for the Finance Center at the World Resources Institute. Her work focuses on governance within the context of international climate finance; in particular on...

Emily Norford

Research Intern

Emily is the Project Coordinator II for the International Financial Flows and the Environment Project (IFFE) in WRI's Institutions and Governance Program.

Bharath Jairaj

Director, Energy, WRI India

Bharath Jairaj leads WRI India’s Energy program, which seeks to inform and catalyse India’s transition to clean energy through increased use of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The program...

Davida Wood

Lead, Energy Access and Governance

Davida Wood is the Lead for WRI's energy access work and energy governance practice at the World Resources Institute. This body of work seeks to accelerate access to affordable clean energy with a...


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